A Couple of Poems

The wonderful Humber Literary Review has decided to publish not just one, but TWO of my poems in their Summer 2024 issue! It’s important to mention that these two pieces are super personal; my writing occasionally expresses itself in a deeper, darker way, which can be seen in both of these poems. If that doesn’t scare you off, then go ahead and grab yourself a copy — and, in the meantime, here’s a glance at some short excerpts from each piece.

These Things That Happen Never Happened At All


in my dreams
he was tall, and moved
his arms wide
skinny but strong
clothes baggy and hanging
from his wiry frame

he had experience
a crackling voice
*whiny, but not high pitched

assertive, maybe
to me anyways
I believed him, believed in him

we would traipse down the street
and I’d feel safe, even at night
only because he let me

and even though his fingers were long
his body was warm, still a boy, crooked lips
cloud-like complexion

and even now
he exists somewhere in limbo
waterbed waving
leaving cricks in the necks
oh yes, of even us young ones

To Know Them


___ was my mom’s cousin
I liked him even though his presence
was alarming.
Not because he was loud or unusual or bold
(although he was all of those things)
but because he always needed a wash. And a haircut.
Wore torn shoes.
Was missing
a finger.

___ died alone
in a motel room
in another province
a couple years ago.
He was old but not old
enough to die.
56 isn’t old enough to die.

___ left behind our family
and a son with FAS
whose mom is also dead, but

when we talk about ___
we try to laugh because
___ has a legacy so full
of good stories
because he was funny.
And dodgy. And fearless. And loved.




Two’s Company